6 Moving Tips To Save Your Clients Time and Money


So the moment has finally come. After meeting your client, hunting for their perfect home, and finding it, now it’s time for them to move. Everyone knows moving can be stressful and full of hiccups. While helping clients to move isn’t technically part of your job description, providing outstanding service is. By sharing moving tips, you can ensure a positive end to the purchase experience. With that in mind, here are six tips to share with your clients:

1. Start planning six weeks ahead

Much of the stress from moving comes at the last minute when the deadline is looming and your clients have more to do than they expect. To avoid this frenzy, it’s best to have a plan. This Moving Checklist by HireAHelper is a great guide, which begins a whole six weeks before the move-in date.

Help your clients out by downloading the checklist, printing it out, and giving it to them when they decide to move. By spacing out the tasks, clients can feel calm and collected throughout their moving journey.

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2. Downsizing makes moving cheaper and easier

Next, out with old! Moving creates the perfect opportunity for clients to go through their belongings and get rid of things they no longer need. The more excess they can shed, the easier it will be to pack, move, unload, and create a new organized space. Plus, it will cut down on moving costs! Gently used items can be donated to organizations like the Salvation Army or sold at a yard sale.

3. Unpack using color coding

When your client is packing their belongings, it helps if they think ahead to the unpacking phase and pack items together that will be used in the same space. Once packed, they should label the boxes with the specifics of what they hold and where they go. Color coding boxes with colored sharpies can help even further. Assign each room a color and create a key so boxes can easily be moved to the right rooms. These steps ease the unpacking process for your client and enable others to help the person in charge without constantly asking, “Where does this go?”

Free Guide: This guide helps you earn 5% more for every listing with 6 easy and low-cost steps. Download for free here.

4. Consider hiring professional help

Now for the question everyone asks, “Should I hire professional movers?” Hiring professional movers can help to take a load off your client’s back, literally. Not only does it free up time and eliminate stress, but it can also help ensure the items are moved without any damages or injuries.

However, some people will prefer to rent a moving truck and move themselves, while others prefer to do the moving with their own vehicle or one from a friend or family member.

The right solution for your client will depend on the size of their move, how far the move is, what resources they have, and how much they want to spend. You can help them to understand the pros and cons of each option so they can make an informed decision.

5. Notify utility companies about the move

Amidst all of the business of moving, some tasks can easily fall through the cracks. However, your clients don’t want to end up paying more than they need to for their bills. They will want to have all of their services set up when they move to their new house.

One of the best moving tips is to advise clients to contact their utility companies about a month ahead of time. Common service providers include those for cable, internet, home phone lines, water, electricity, and gas.

6. Get prepared for the first night in the new home

Last up is the preparation for your client’s first night in their new home. It is an important milestone and we all want our clients to start off on the right foot. Here’s where you can really shine and score those coveted referrals. Here are some move-in tips to pass along:

First, after a long day of moving and unpacking, your client will just want to crash out in their bed. Nothing is worse in that moment than needing to dig through boxes to find bedding and assemble the beds. Do your clients a favor by advising them to ensure the bedding is clean, unpacked first, and assembled early in the day.

Next, it helps to pack a bag with all of the items they will need for the first night such as shampoo, soap, toiletries, a shower curtain, toilet paper, towels, outfits, etc. It’s kind of like packing for a vacation. Again, this will prevent the frustration that comes from digging through boxes.

Last but not least, remind clients to stock a tasty breakfast. Waking up and enjoying a delicious meal is a great way to start making new memories in the home! Karen Bloemhoff, a real estate broker at Cedral Caribe REALTORS, says, “When I sell a property that is furnished, I always stock up the fridge so my clients feel at home right away.” She adds, “I’ll also order them a pizza on move-in night to ease any worries about preparing dinner.” These small gestures can make a big difference during a move.

Sharing moving tips always builds lasting relationships with your clients

Sure, a real estate transaction might seem like it ends when the papers are signed and the keys are handed over, but the relationship can live on. Sharing tips like these with your clients will help to create an overall positive experience for them, and happy clients always want to share their agents with friends and family. So use these tips to improve the moving experience for your clients and grow your business!

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